Kausambi Manjita - SaaS Sessions
Kausambi Manjita - SaaS Sessions

Unscripted Sessions with Kausambi Manjita, CEO at Kubric


In this episode, we speak to Kausambi Manjita, Founder & CEO, Kubric.

Before starting Kubric, Kaunsambi Majita worked as a product manager at startups like Myntra and Paytm. Her obsession for content creation and streamlining it led her to start Kubric, an AI-driven automation tool for designers and marketers.

In our conversation, she shares how she got started with Kubric, how did they hire their early employees and their plans of scaling Kubric in India.

Key Takeaways

  • When hiring your first few employees ensure that they’re passionate about the fundamental philosophy behind starting the company.

  • Both types of employees, one that enjoys working and those who don’t help you learn about the company culture.

  • Acknowledging mistakes and talking about them is very important for good company culture.

    If you’re a SaaS founder, you cannot miss listening to Kausambi Manjita.

Tune in to the episode now

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