Prakhar Jain, Morgan Ingram - SaaS Sessions
Prakhar Jain, Morgan Ingram - SaaS Sessions

Inside Sales vs Outside Sales ft. Morgan J Ingram and Prakhar Jain

Are you a SaaS who is wondering what type of sales is better for growing your business? Is it inside sales, or is it outside sales?

I invited Morgan J Ingram, who is empowering sales teams to become prospecting rockstars at JBarrows Sales Training and Prakhar Jain, who is the associate director of Sales at Whatfix, to address this topic.

In this episode, get to know more about Morgan and Prakhar. How they started their career in sales and reached where they are now.

Firstly, they both point out the difference between inside and outside sales. (For anyone who doesn't know)

Are you a SaaS who's just starting out, or you're Product Market Fit? Or you have crossed the Go To Market Fit? And are you wondering which type of sales to use in your stage?

In this episode, Morgan and Prakhar also addressed which type you should focus on based on what stage your SaaS is in.

Get to know the problems faced in each of these types and also how to solve them.

Tune in to the episode now

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